
Nguen Tat Than, Vu Quang Khuan. The Role of the Principle of Innocence Presumption in the Criminal Procedure of Vietnam

Nguen Tat Than
Adjunct, Department of Criminal Procedure, Moscow University of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya
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Akademika Volgina St., 12, 117437 Moscow, Russian Federation

Vu Quang Khuan
Postgraduate Student, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Volgograd State University,
Employee of Administration of Ministry of Vietnam Public Security
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The authors study the principle of innocence presumption in the criminal procedure of Vietnam and try to present the complete picture of its establishment and development from the historical and legal viewpoint. It is concluded that the principle of innocence presumption is now playing a major role not only in the judicial reform but also in protecting the rights and freedoms of the accused in Vietnam.

Key words: accused, suspect, human rights and freedoms, presumption of innocence, principle, judicial reform.

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