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Legal Concept ___________________ Pravovaya paradigma ISSN (Print): 2587-8115 ISSN (Online): 2587-6899 DOI: 10.15688/lc.jvolsu Title (in language of publication): Legal Concept = Правовая парадигма Translated title: Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma Frequency: 4 issues a year. (No. 1 - May, 20. No. 2 - July., 10. No. 3 - October, 30. No. 4 - December, 30) Chief Editor: Dikarev Ilya S., Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Director of the Institute of Law, Volgograd State University Deputy Chief Editor: Davydova Marina L., Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Professor, Head of Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Volgograd State University E-mail:
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Tel.: 7(8442) 40-55-10. Fax number: 7(8442) 46-18-48. Prospect Universitetsky 100, Office 310B, Volgograd 400062. Russian Federation. Founder and Publisher: Volgograd State University Journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Media, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage (Russia). Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС 77-69269 of March 29, 2017. The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index. Journal included into the List of Peer-reviewed Academic journals and editions that must publish academic results of doctoral and candidate’s degree. The mission of Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma journal is to support research in the field of law; to provide an international platform for discussing historical patterns and urgent issues of modern law, both theoretical and applied ones; to publish the main results obtained in the course of writing theses for the degree of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), as well as studies funded by scientific foundations. The mission of the journal is implemented through forming a highly professional and ethical editorial policy, which allows to create a high-quality publication, which supports the best practices of higher education, traditions of academic culture and publishes creative original scientific articles, chronicles of scientific life, criticism and bibliographic reviews of Russian and foreign researchers. ________________ The journal is published four times a year, manuscripts accepted according to the schedule:
About the Journal
Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma journal includes the following sections: Topical Issue; Theory and Practice of State and Legal Development; Private Law Regulation Issues: History and Contemporaneity; Legal Issues of Environmental Protection and Use of Natural Resources; Adjective Law: Theoretical and Law Enforcement Issues; Crime Prevention and Differentiation of Criminal Responsibility; International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence; Criticism and Bibliography; Chronicle of Scientific Life.
The sections of Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma journal correspond to the branch of science 12.00.00 Legal Science according to the Nomenclature of specialities of russian academic researchers.