
Goncharova A.V. Juveniles As Members of the Civil Procedure

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2017.1.6

Antonina V. Goncharova

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Law Department, Volgograd Institute for the Humanities, Gribanova St., 12, 400119 Volgograd, Russian Federation,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: a juvenile is not always aware of the possibility of exercising his rights and legally protected interests. In most cases when a legal issue arises a minor turns for help to his parents (or persons substituting them). However, there are cases when there is no one for the child to turn for (no parents, parents-alcoholics, lack of understanding, etc.). The aim is to carry out the theoretical analysis of the involvement of minors in proceedings, based on the analysis of substantive law and procedural law. With that in mind, the objectives of the study are the following: a comprehensive study of a juvenile’s involvement in civil proceedings as a person involved in the case. Having analyzed the legislation the author has concluded on the need to make the amendment to the Civil Procedure Code which regulates the participation of minors in civil proceedings.

Keywords: minors, interrogation (questioning) of minor witnesses, involvement of minors in trials, civil procedure.

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