
Veretina Yu.A. Rape as a Kind of Criminal Violence Against Women

Yulia Aleksandrovna Veretina
Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Process,
Orenburg State Agrarian University
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Chelyuskintsev St., 18, 460000 Orenburg, Russian Federation


Abstract. This article is devoted to the question of criminal legal protection of sexual freedom and sexual integrity of the woman in Russia by means of fixing the criminal liability for rape. The author carries out the analysis of jurisprudence of the criminal cases according to Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation considered by district courts of Orenburg and the Orenburg region from 2008 for 2015. Separate characteristics of commission of the specified crime are reflected in research: dynamics of condemnation for the designated time interval is tracked; the percentage of condemnation of the persons which haven’t reached majority is revealed; the share of group rapes is designated, the attention to the number of the persons who have committed a crime in an alcohol intoxication is focused. The reasons and conditions of this phenomenon are established, ways of their elimination are offered.

Key words: rape, group rapes, commission of rape in a state of alcohol intoxication, improvement of the criminal legislation, prevention measures.

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