
Molchanov A.A., Afanasyeva E.S. The Evolution of Legislation Regulating the Copyright to the Creation of Office Works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Post-Soviet Period

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Molchanov
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor,
Department of Civil Law,
Saint Petersburg University of the Russian MIA
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Letchika Pilyutova St., 1, 198206 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Elena Sergeevna Afanasyeva
Adjunct, Department of Civil Law,
Saint Petersburg University of the Russian MIA
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Letchika Pilyutova St., 1, 198206 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes the process of formation of the legislation regulating copyright in the creation of employee’s work in the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, beginning with the transition to a market economy in our country in the 1990s to the present. In light of recent changes in civil law related to the development of information technology, the paper examines the legal nature of employee’s work. The comparative analysis shows that the evolution of the legislation regulating employee’s work in the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, went in the direction of expanding the rights of authors and the growing possibilities of access to public works in the course of their use of employer.

Key words: employee’s work, copyright, intellectual property, utility job, employment contract, creativity.

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