
Mineev O.A. On Improvement of the Institution of Marriage in the Family Law of the Russian Federation

Mineev Oleg Aleksandrovich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and International Private Law,
Volgograd State University, Base Department of Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC RAS)
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In the present article the author raises the problem of the institution of marriage that must be addressed at the legislative level. The analysis of family law in the Russian Federation is carried out in the course of the research of divorce institute. On the basis of the argument, the author proposes to amend several articles of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, and this will contribute to the positive development of family law in general. Based on this analysis the author concludes that the only binding legal order as the only way of divorce will promote the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of not only the couple, but their minor children. In pursuing the noble goal of preserving the family and marriage, we believe that it is necessary to borrow the rules governing the separation of spouses from foreign family law. The institute is known to many foreign legislations and helps to overcome differences between spouses and to preserve the ultimate marriage and family. Judicial Procedure marital separation will provide more time to weigh and consider its decision on the dissolution of marriage. The article raised not all the problems of the institution of marriage, which must be addressed at the legislative level, but even the solution of these problems that will contribute to the positive development of family law in general.

Key words: family law, institution of marriage, termination of marriage, divorce court order, administrative order of divorce.

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