
Yakovleva O.A. Criminal identity in the structure of criminal, criminalistic and criminological characteristics of crimes according to section 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Yakovleva Olga Alexeevna

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article focuses on criminological, criminal, criminalistic aspects of a criminal identity in the ecological sphere. The subject-matter of a criminal identity and its investigation contains the facts about personality’s manifestations both in the main spheres of activitiees and in the specific sphere, which is characteristic to personalities, who commit criminal acts, as well as social-psychological and emotional-volitional characteristics, the subject’s attitude to law, legal behavior and violations of law.

Key words: environment, ecology, environmental crimes, criminal identity, criminology, crime committer, criminalistics.

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