
Nekenova S.B. Ensuring the Right for Reasonable Period of Criminal Proceedings as the Principle of Criminal Process

Nekenova Svetlana Badnyaevna
Assistant, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Kalmyk State University, Degree Seeking Candidate, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Volgograd State University
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Abstract. On the basis of the analysis of the norms regulating the reasonable periods of criminal procedure, the author makes conclusion about their compliance with the features of new criminal procedure principle developed by juridical science. The central provision in the content of the principle is the subjective right of individuals for a reasonable period of judicial proceedings. In this connection the author offers the following name for this principle – “the Principle of ensuring the personal right for a reasonable period of criminal proceedings”. Having the proposed content the new principle meets all the features of the principle of criminal process concept. The author highlights such its features as guiding character and its ability to act at all stages of the criminal proceedings.

Key words: principle, main idea, reasonable period, features, subjective right.

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