
Sharno O.I. The Legal Symbols as Means of Implementing the Principles of Civil Society (on the Example of Advocacy in Russia and CIS Countries)

Sharno Oksana Igorevna
Assistant, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The development of civil society in the conditions of forming informational state, the implementation of its fundamental principles and tasks is connected with the necessity of using the tools of applied character. These include legal symbols as means of limited legal pressure. They ensure efficient legal communication in the conditions of international integration and become more and more in demand.
The author analyzes the current state of civil society with the aim of studying the efficiency of implemented principles in informational Russia. The author also evaluates the tools of improving civil society principles and reveals what juridical and technical means are the most appropriate for this purpose in both domestic and international aspects. The legal symbols are widely used in civil society and aimed at the demonstrating current basic origins in the process of Russian civil society development. As an example, the analysis of legal symbols efficiency in civil society development is carried out on such institute as advocacy, which ensures international integration of professional protection and representation. This is proved by the comparative study of its functioning in international aspect on the example of advocacy in CIS countries. The revealed interconnections and regular patterns lead to the conclusion that the symbols of civil society ensure the implementation of its guiding principles not only within one state, but at the international level. Thus, the application of legal symbols in the process of implementing civil society principles is efficient in both applied (technical) and in political and legal (legal regulation, legal communication) aspects and eventually ensures the development of civil society basics at all levels. The research results can be used in practical juridical activity and in the process of organizing profession-oriented education for students of juridical faculties.

Key words: civil society, principles of civil society, legal symbols, advocacy, CIS countries, informational state and society.

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