
Kakhkhorov D.G. Characteristics of Prosecutor’s Activity in Prejudicial Criminal Proceedings

Kakhkhorov Davlatali Gafforovich

Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article studies the features of prosecutor's activity in pre-judicial criminal proceedings. Today Russian and Tadjik jurists with specialization in the field of criminal procedure argue on the characteristics of prosecutor's activity in pre-judicial criminal proceedings. The analysis of law-enforcement activity in Tadjikistan testifies that prosecutor's activity on crimes investigation has special value and plays the key role. Besides, the author of the article investigated the notions of "activity", "legal activity" and their classification in jurisprudence for providing more detailed definition of the concept "prosecutor's activity" in pre-judicial criminal proceedings. The article contains the analysis of the legislation of Russia and Tajikistan, in particular, of the status of the prosecutor as the public official in pre-judicial criminal proceedings. The analysis of the structure of this activity allowed to formulate the concept "prosecutor's activity" of pre-judicial criminal proceedings.

Key words: activity, legal activity, prosecutor, public official, state activity, prosecutor’s activity.

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