
Aleksandrova I.A. On the Inevitability of Changing the Criminal Policy of Counteraction to Economic Crime

Aleksandrova Irina Aleksandrovna
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree,
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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Ankudinovskoe Highway, 3, 603144 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

Abstract. The modern criminal policy on counteraction to economic crime proved to be nonproductive and unfair. The economic indicators testify that the measures aimed at the change of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation did not bring the expected results. The consequences of modern criminal policy on counteraction to economic crime are even more dangerous and destructive for social justice and for the principle of equality of all before the law and court. Till recently this criminal policy satisfied the interests of the upper class bourgeoisie and the corrupted officials, but not the interests of the people. In 2014 Russia found itself in the new geopolitical situation demanding the consolidation of all social means. To ensure the economic security, the deoffshorization of economy, and the development of real economic sector, the state needs a new economic policy and a criminal policy on counteraction to elite economic crime and corruption. It is necessary to reject the last changes of the criminal and criminal procedure legislation which created the system of privileges for the class of entrepreneurs.

Key words: criminal policy, economic crime, justice, economic security, corruption.

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