
Osipova S.B. State Needs: Concept and Determination Criteria

Osipova Svetlana Borisovna
Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Law,
Volgograd Institute of Business
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Кachintsev St., 63, 400010 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The author proves the necessity to point out the criteria according to which the needs may be referred to as state needs. This procedure is obligatory while defining the concept of state needs. Such criteria should be represented by the purposes of orders formation in relation to the tasks which are to be solved by placing these orders; by the subjects whose needs can form the basis of the state order; by the ways of placing orders.

Key words: state needs, needs of federal budgetary institutions and budgetary institutions of the Russian Federation, subjects of state needs, budgetary institution, budget funds.

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