
Inshakova A.O. The Determining Factors in the Development of Jurisdictions: The Evolution of Legal Policy and Legal Culture

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2020.4.1

Agnessa O. Inshakova, Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and International Private Law, Base Department of the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8255-8160

Annotation. The paper is devoted to substantiating the relevance, scientific and practical significance of the problematics “The Evolution of legal policy and legal culture: territorial and scientific and technological factors of the development of jurisdictions” covered in the section “The Main Topic of the Issue” of the legal journal of Volgograd State University “Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma”. The author substantiates as one of the leading prerequisites for the transformation of the legal policy and legal culture of states such factors in the development of modern reality as the creation of integration associations and unions, which entail the convergence of national jurisdictions, as well as scientific and technological modernization of all spheres of public life as a result of the fourth industrial revolution and neoindustrialization of the economy. The author argues for the powerful influence of these promising trends of socio-economic transformations on the legal and law-making policy of the state, as well as on the legal morality, legal awareness and legal culture in general “imposed” by the lawmakers and law enforcement officers within the territory of the national jurisdiction. The paper considers the integral components that accompany the fourth industrial revolution and determine the overall impact of scientific and technological development on the fundamental categories of the legal system under consideration. On the example of specific territorial associations of the member states of the integration unions of the EU, EAEU, BRICS, MERCOSUR, and SCO, the processes of creating common legal spaces that erase differences in approaches to the formation of legal policy and legal culture of sovereign limited jurisdictions are described. A brief description of the papers presented in the main topic of the issue, reflecting the historical patterns and current trends in scientific, technological and integration development that affect the transformation of legal policy and legal culture, is given.

Key words: legal policy, law-making policy, legal culture, legal awareness, scientific and technological development, integration, EU, BRICS, EEU, MERCOSUR, SCO.

Citation. Inshakova A.O. The Determining Factors in the Development of Jurisdictions: The Evolution of Legal Policy and Legal Culture. Legal Concept = Pravovaya paradigma, 2020, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 6-16. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2020.4.1

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