
Inshakova A.O. Extremism as a Threat to National Security: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2020.2.1

Agnessa O. Inshakova, Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and International Private Law, Base Department of the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volgograd State University, Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8255-8160

Annotation. The editor-in-chief paper is devoted to one of the most serious problems of Russia’s national security, extremist activities, which poses a real threat to the life of the state, encroaches on the constitutional rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, sovereign democracy and public order. It is noted that for the Russian Federation, as a multinational state, extremism is a particular danger, since it undermines the peaceful coexistence of various ethnic and social groups. When describing the relevance of the problem, the paper takes into account the features and relationship of extremism with the predicted negative consequences in the context of globalization of the world economic relations and information and technological development of society in the era of neoindustrialization. The author questions the stereotype that exists in the public consciousness, according to which the extremist organizations, movements, the propaganda of radical views and crimes of an extremist nature are, to a greater extent, already a historical phenomenon, which are characteristic, first of all, of the 90-ies of the XX century. It is argued that the problem under consideration “mutates” and takes on new guises in the conditions of modern reality. It is established that the new legal tools and mechanisms developed over the years are being added as a result of scientific and technological progress. Thus, in the conditions of the sixth technological paradigm, there appear new varieties of extremism, for example, cyberextremism. At the same time, cybersecurity serves as a binding condition for the successful development and operation of industry 4.0 technologies. Based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of the research conducted by the author, as well as taking into account the opinions of the scientists expressed in the main topic of the issue, it is concluded that in the era of the deepening processes of digital interdependence, the international organizations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental, as well as the scientists and practitioners dealing with the security issues should accumulate their efforts to expand digital cooperation in order to protect human rights and eliminate the threats of cyberextremism. The shared human values such as equality, privacy, dignity, freedom, inclusiveness, respect and sustainability should serve as a beacon for legal scholars in the digital age. Modern technologies bring great benefits to all mankind. Moreover, they help protect human rights, but these same technologies can and are already being used to infringe on human rights by both the states and the private sector.

Key words: extremism, extremist organizations, globalization, neoindustrialization, the sixth technological order, cyberextremism, cybersecurity, prevention and counteraction of extremism, crimes of extremist orientation, national security, social and legal methods of combating extremism.

Citation. Inshakova A.O. Extremism as a Threat to National Security: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Legal Concept, 2020, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 6-12. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2020.2.1

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