
Inshakova A.O. Law and Information Technology Transformation of Public Relations Under Industry 4.0 Conditions

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2019.4.1

Agnessa O. Inshakova, Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Professor, Head of the Department of Civil and International Private Law, Volgograd State University, Base Department of the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prosp.Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8255-8160

Annotation. Under the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution the objectively developing processes in the economy should receive adequate legal support, not only taking into account the potential positive results, but also able to identify and neutralize the possible negative impact and consequences of accelerated transformation. This circumstance has given rise to the integrated relationship of the project with one of the fundamental areas of modern jurisprudence – the study of the economy digital algorithmization as the main part of the architecture of the fourth industrial revolution, combined with the identification of patterns, trends and prospects of the information society development from the perspectives of different branches of law providing effective functioning of the statutory concepts, security and methods of protection of participants in new social relations. The characteristic features inherent in all technologies of industry 4.0, without exception, determine their complex impact on modern social development, which, of course, should be accompanied by the formation of new social institutions and regulatory mechanisms that ensure them. In the dynamics of public relations development in industry 4.0, the emergence of various failures of different nature and character is inevitable, which, in turn, can adversely affect the rights and obligations of entities whose economic activities are directly related to the technologies of industry 4.0. In this regard, the next issue of the journal “Legal Concept = Legal paradigm” is aimed at solving the problem of improving the foundations of legal regulation of economic entities’ activity in the period of neo-industrialization. The emergence of new social relations, which by their nature inevitably give rise to conflicts, also needs fundamentally new approaches to their settlement, in particular, through the creation of ways to protect the rights of subjects based on the technologies of industry 4.0. At the same time, in order to prevent possible conflicts and violations of the rights of economic entities, it is necessary to create the appropriate preventive legal mechanisms. This project aims to eliminate the existing loopholes, both in the legal regulation and in the theoretical and legal understanding of the transformation processes of public relations in the conditions of the technological revolution and industry 4.0. The problem to be solved by the project is of complex cross-sectoral nature within the legal sciences, which has led to the determination and identification of potential risks for economic entities involved in the implementation and use of industry 4.0 technologies from the perspective of different branches of law. A comprehensive cross-sectoral approach has allowed to analyze the legal development specifics in the conditions of industry 4.0 and to identify positive and negative factors of the fourth industrial revolution, affecting the modernization of preventive mechanisms and legal remedies of economic entities in the new economic conditions, to identify legal ways and means of this modernization and formulate specific proposals to improve the current legislation.

Key words: scientific-technical progress, neoindustrialization, technology, ICT, industrial revolution, industry 4.0, digital algorithmization of economy, Internet of things, legal regulation of economic activities, preventive legal mechanisms, legal remedies of economic entities, application of laws, the activities under the conditions of digitalization of the Russian economic system.

Citation. Inshakova A.O. Law and Information Technology Transformation of Public Relations Under Industry 4.0 conditions. Legal Concept, 2019, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 6-17. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2019.4.1

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