
Akhmetov A.S. Topical Issues of Legal Education

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2018.2.14

Arman S. Akhmetov, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Social Disciplines and Humanities, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, Mira St., 60, 140000 Pavlodar, Kazakhstan,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Introduction: the creation of a holistic concept in the field of improving the legal culture of the citizen and the hole society directly depends on the quality of the system of legal education. The study of the essence and content of legal education, which is an important means of improving the level of legal culture of a modern society, is becoming a particularly necessary component of the activities of any state bodies. Legal education along with legal training is one of the means to improve the level of legal culture of the society. The improvement of the entire system of legal education has a positive impact on the reforms carried out in the state, and also contributes to the growth of the participation of every citizen in the activities of the state. The current research aimed at studying this phenomenon is not sufficient to disclose its nature and essence, therefore, the relevance of the research topic is in little doubt. The purpose of the scientific work is to study the essence and content of legal education, which has an active impact on improving the level of legal culture of the individual and the society. Methods: the methodological framework for this research is the general scientific and special legal methods of cognition. Results: in the scientific work the analysis of the essence and content of legal education as a process of purposeful and systematic influence on the consciousness and behavior of the person from the state, various public organizations and individuals is carried out. Conclusions: as a result of this research, on the basis of the domestic and foreign sources there are studied the essence and content of legal education as one of the main means of forming the level of legal culture of the society.

Key words: legal education, society, culture, legal culture, individual, civil society, state, legal education.

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