
Turitsyn D.A. The Regulation of Stream of Commerce Between the Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China: Legal and Practical Aspect

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2018.1.26

Dmitriy A. Turitsyn, Master Student, Department of Labour, Land and Ecological Law, Kuban State Agrarian University, Kalinina St., 13, 350044 Krasnodar, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: in the article the author investigates the provisions of the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China governing the circulation of private rights and the stream of commerce between the two states. The purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of the stream of commerce between Russia and China. The author cites the provisions of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, the special Federal laws of the Russian Federation, the Act of the PRC “On Treaties”, the General provision of civil law of the PRC, as well as the currently existing international treaties between Russia and China, in whatever way related to the legal relations under investigation. In carrying out the scientific research the methods of scientific knowledge, first of all, the methods of system analysis and comparative analysis are used. The special attention is paid to the judicial law enforcement practice of adjudicating between the Russian and Chinese parties of international trade treaties. The author substantiates the conclusion on the necessity of developing the Russian-Chinese international relations in the field of regulating the legal relations between participants in the trade turnover of these countries, and the preparation of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the issues of court hearing of cases, the parties to which are the Russian and Chinese legal entities.

Key words: commercial transaction, private-legal transaction; transaction, complicated by foreign element; external-economic transaction; international trade contract; legislation of Russian Federation; legislation of Chinese National Republic; contract law; international private law.

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