
Romanova I.N. Liability Insurance of Persons That Make up the Corporate Bodies of а Legal Entity

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2017.2.14

Irina N. Romanova, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Dean of the Law Faculty, Ryazan Branch of S.Y. Witte Moscow State University, Prosp. Pervomayskiy, 62, 390013 Ryazan, Russian Federation,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: in carrying out the business activities of a risky nature the objectively interested in preventing the negative effects of its implementation, and in the case of such consequences - in minimization, business entities use insurance as the most effective means of protection of property interests. Methods: it is of great interest to reveal the specifics of the practical implementation of Russian business relations developing in the professional sphere by identifying the problem areas and critical analysis of possible solutions. Results: the paper presented in detail the element-by-element structure of the relations in the sphere of liability insurance of the legal entity’s corporate bodies; investigated the conditions of such liability insurance. The author explored the practical approaches to the question of proof of the fact of the insured event; justified the circumstances precluding the possibility of providing the insurance cover. Conclusions: as a result of the research the author determines that the liability insurance of persons that make up the corporate bodies of a legal entity is complex, since it includes: the non-contractual liability insurance of a person performing the functions of the executive body of the business entity before the business entity; the business entity for the actions of the head before the third parties; the insurance of financial risks resulting from the expenses incurred during the non-legal and legal proceedings in relation to the asserted claim against the head or another person performing the management functions. 

Key words: liability insurance, legal entity, business entity, insurable interest, insured event, insurance coverage, insurance contract, insurer and insured person.

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