
Zadorina M.A. Quality of Secondary Vocational Education as a Guarantee of Realizing the Constitutional Right to Secondary Vocational Education

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2017.2.10

Mariya A. Zadorina, Candidate for a Degree, Department of Constitutional Law, Ural State Law University, Komsomolskaya St., 21, 620137 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: the paper is devoted to the study of the quality guarantees of secondary vocational education which are becoming fundamental nowadays because of professional personnel deficiency and the need to improve the system of vocational education. Methods: both the general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and specific legal methods of research (technical and legal, interpretation) are used. Results: the author defines the notion of the quality of secondary vocational education which is provided by the federal state educational standards set by the Constitution and acts as a guarantee of the constitutional right to vocational education. The author formulates the definition of the constitutional right to vocational education. The particular attention is paid to the definition of the role of quality guarantees of secondary vocational education in the system of guarantees of the constitutional right to secondary vocational education. The author proposes a classification of quality guarantees of secondary vocational education. Conclusions: the study shows that the guarantees of secondary vocational education quality originate in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that they are not directly specified in the constitutional provisions. It is found that the federal state educational standards enshrine temporal, competence, structural and resource guarantees of the quality of secondary vocational education.

Key words: quality of education, federal state educational standard, professional standard, the right to vocational education, guarantees of rights and freedoms.

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