
Keil Ya.Ya., Usanova V.A. The Publicity of the Modern Russian State and the Protection of Individual Rights (Certain Questions)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/lc.jvolsu.2017.1.12

Janina Ya. Keil

Candidat des sciences juridiques, professeur adjoint des disciplines civiles et juridiques de l‘Institut de l’Administration Publique de Volgograd - filiale de l’Académie Russe de l’Economie Nationale et de l’Administration Publique, 8, rue Gagarin, 400131, la ville de Volgograd, Russie,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Victoria A. Usanova, Candidat des sciences juridiques, professeur agrégé, Professeur adjoint des disciplines civiles et juridiques de l‘Institut de l’Administration Publique de Volgograd - filiale de l’Académie Russe de l’Economie Nationale et de l’Administration Publique, 8, rue Gagarin, 400131, la ville de Volgograd, Russie, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction: there are quite a lot of works devoted to the research of publicity and transparency of the functioning of the modern Russian state, however, this area is multi aspect and multifaceted, so many questions remain understudied. So far, providing the publicity of the legal bodies’ activities by the online publishing of the judicial decisions is facing the problems of protecting the information rights of the citizens. The purpose of the study is to reveal some aspects of protection of the rights of the individual while providing the transparency of the functioning of the Russian state on the Internet. Methods: there have been applied in aggregate the methods of scientific knowledge, including the basic methods, such as the formal and legal method, the methods of systemacity, analysis and synthesis. Results: it is proved that the current system of posting the judicial and other acts on an open source website often violates the human rights and requires the improvements both in the law enforcement practice and the current legislation. Conclusions: the law enforcement practice of publishing the judicial decisions does not meet the requirements of the legislation. The public authorities and local governments implement the law on providing the transparency of their functioning more broadly than it is provided.

Keywords: transparency, judicial act, publicity, regulation, human rights, information security.

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