
Malko A.V., Soldatkina O.L. Optimization of Information Resources of the Legislative Power Bodies of the Russian Federation Subjects as a Way of Implementing the Informational Function of the Law

Aleksandr Vasilyevich Malko
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation,
Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law, RAS
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Chernyshevskogo St., 135, 410028 Saratov, Russian Federation

Oksana Leonidovna Soldatkina
Candidate of Juridical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of Informatics,
Saratov State Law Academy;
Senior Researcher,
Saratov Branch of the Institute of State and Law, RAS
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Chernyshevskogo St., 135, 410028 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The relevance of the present articles is determined by the fact that the technological progress which contributes to a qualitative change in the structure of society, ismthe cause of evolution of the functions of law, which in turn requires extensive theoretical studies in this field. The article aims to analyze the content of the informational function of the law, to identify ways of its implementation by optimizing the information resources of the legislature of the Russian Federation subjects. The study is based on the general scientific (dialectical analysis, synthesis) and specific scientific (formal-legal approach, functional approach) methods in solving the stated problems. The authors consider the definition of the terms “informational function of law”, “information resource”, and establish logical relations between them. The article also contains the comparative analysis of the information resources of the regional legislature. The authors conclude that due to many factors and means of information resources of the global network entities whose mandate includes the implementation of the right to informational functions are used very little; it also suggests some ways to optimize the information resources of the regional legislative bodies, the implementation of which will improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the informational functions of the right. The study lays the foundation for further theoretical developments in the theory of law functions.

Key words: informational function of law, informational resources, legal information, mechanism of implementing the informational function of law, information resources of regional
law-making authorities.

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