
Panina I.A. Modern Problems of Control and Supervising Activity in the Sphere of Wastes Treatment in the Russian Federation

Irina Alekseevna Panina
Assistant Professor, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law,
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Volgograd Branch)
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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article considers the issues of legal regulation of control in the sphere of waste management. We study the problem of implementing control and supervision in the field of waste management in Russia. Separately, the author covers the powers of Federal public authorities, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local selfgovernment, both in general theoretical terms and in relation to the regulation of specific social relations to the ratio of powers and the separation of powers at all levels of control. In conclusion, the article contains a conclusion about the necessity of initiation of the question of legislative recognition for local authorities specific powers in the field of environmental protection, because, according to the author, the main task of the local authorities towards the population of the municipal association is to create favorable environment at home that will contribute to increasing the responsibility of local governments to the population to improve the quality of life on the main socio-economic and socio-environmental indicators based on available statistical data.

Key words: authority, production and consumption wastes, local authorities, environmental supervision, environmental problems.

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