
Marchukov I.P. Community of Interests of the BRICS in the Energy Sector: Challenges of Common Energy Policy and Energy Law

Igor Pavlovich Marchukov
Head of Department of Legal Support,
Volgograd State Medical University
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Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., 1, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Economic integration of Russia in the field of exploration and development of energy resources dramatically changed the vector of its development. Promising processes of more efficient use of energy resources and the development of new energy markets in Russia is now linked to the strengthening of its economic ties with the member countries of the international integration association BRICS. Thus, the relevant issues illuminated by the author, are located in the area of inter-state coordination of energy activities, as a key sector of the economy of the Russian Federation, through the establishment of a common energy policy of the participating countries of the BRICS and consolidate the foundations of its unified legal regulation. 

Key words: international economic integration, energy, international organization BRICS, common energy policy, energy market, turnover of energy resources, energy law.

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