
Filippov P.M. Judicial Reform and Its Movement

Petr Martynovich Filippov
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines,
Volgograd Academy of the Russian MIA,
Honoured Lawyer of Russia, Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
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Istoricheskaya St., 130, 400089 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. Judicial reform must not be restricted to complication of judicial proceedings. It is necessary to improve judicial power according to the relations it enters to achieve tasks set in Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In this regard it is necessary to investigate the relations between judicial power and other branches of government: legislative and executive. Special attention must be payed to information activity of courts of all instances because this activity appeals to people – source of power in the country. Expansion in the number of instances, extension of terms of appeal and application processing leads to appreciation of judicial proceedings both for government and citizens. It is also necessary to interpret the law considering how expensive it will be for those who participate in the case. Court Bailiffs Service must be under Judicial Department’s control, this will strengthen the judicial power.

Key words: branches of state power, judicial reform, judicial power reform, information activity of court, legal proceedings.

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