
Rakhmanina N.V. The Concept of Internet and the Problems Related to Rendering Financial Internet Services

Natalya Viktorovna Rakhmanina
Postgraduate Student, Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines,
Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Volgograd Branch)
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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article discusses the current state of the spread of Internet in Russia. It analyzes the Russian legislation governing information technology, reveals the concept of the Internet in terms of its legal content, and gives the author’s concept of this phenomenon. In addition, the article examines the variety of financial services provided via the Internet, such as online banking, online insurance, online trading and micro-credit, carried out by the Internet. The research is aimed at understanding the features of financial web services, and examining the problems associated with the provision of financial Internet services, among which the problem of security and protection of personal data of the client, the problem of identifying the subjects of relations arising in the provision of financial services through a network of Internet, the problem of compensation for the financial institution client’s funds lost as a result of wrongful acts of third parties, and many others.

Key words: Internet, financial online services, internet banking, micro-credit, online trading, online insurance, legal problems.

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