
Goncharov A.I. Bond in the Tooling of the Collective Investment. Part two

Aleksandr Ivanovich Goncharov
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Department of Civil and International Private Law,
Volgograd State University,
Base Department of Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Abstract. The author investigates the lawful regulation of bond which represents the investment securities certifying the right of owner to obtaining its nominal value as well as the interest rate during the indicated period. The content of the obligation relations assumes the impulse actions of the association of creditors, who invest money at interest for the certain period with the purpose of increasing the capital to a heavy borrower – legal body. The widespread prevalence of the indicated relations with the simple and claimed financial and economic content induced their transfer into securities – the bonds which are actively used nowadays in the economic turnover.

Key words: uncertificated securities, loan, borrower, liquidity of debt, association of investors, payments, coupon, percentage.

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