
Yatsenko T.S. Civil and Legal Measures of Constraint of Illegal Acquisition of Corporate Control Over a Legal Entity

Tatyana Sergeevna Yatsenko
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Acting Head of Department of Civil Law,
Southern Federal University
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Gorkogo St., 88, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. The purpose of the research consists in the theoretical substantiation of the Civil Law system of methods and measures of corporate control protection, due to the specificity of Civil Law’s subject of regulation, lays in a risk of anti-social behaviour of civil law relations’ participants. The research is based on analyses of the corporate legislation as well as the judicial practice. Scientific methods used in the article include formulation of a question, prediction and analysis. The complex structure of the Civil Law corporate control’ protection includes legal prohibitions, obligations, legal restraints as well as special remedies and penalties. The Civil Law system of methods and measures of corporate control’s protection are to be improved on the basis of the experience of foreign countries in this sphere and peculiarities of Russian civil turnover development.

Key words: legal entity, corporate control, corporate acquisition, partnership right, bona fide purchaser, uncertificated security.

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