
Davtyan-Davydova D.N. From Russkaya Pravda up to Date: Legal Status of Subjects of Tort Liabilities in Entrepreneurship

Darya Nikolaevna Davtyan-Davydova
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and International Private Law,
Volgograd State University,
Base Department of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation


Abstract. The article is devoted to the subject composition of liabilities as a result of harm to the life and health of citizens in the process of carrying out business activity. The author reveals the status of subjects of tort liability. The article gives a brief analysis of the provisions regulating business activity in the Russkaya Pravda code of laws. The author substantiates the relevance of the present research. The article presents various scientific points of view. The author has defined a circle of participants of entrepreneurial activity, their legal personality and legal status, the legal nature of the debtor under consideration of tort legal relations. The classification of creditors, which allowed to determine the specifics of legal regulation and the mechanism of compensation of harm is given. In the article the discussion of the separate creditors of tort legal relations is reviewed. The author also formulated a number of definitions.

Key words: entrepreneurship, Russkaya Pravda, reparation, tort legal relations, participant of entrepreneurial activity.

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