
Kozlova N.V. Book Review: National Characteristics and Prospects for Private Law Unification in BRICS Countries : Textbook. In 2 vols. : Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association on Juridical Education of High Schools of the Russian Fe

Nataliya Vladimirovna Kozlova
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor,
Deputy Dean on Science at the Faculty of Law,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Leninskie gory St., 1, 119991 Moscow, Russian Federation

Book Review: National Characteristics and Prospects for Private Law Unification in BRICS Countries : Textbook. In 2 vols. : Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association on Juridical Education of High Schools of the Russian Federation as a Textbook for Students of Higher Education Institutions With the Major in 030900 (40.04.01) “Jurisprudence”, Qualification of Master of Sciences. – Moscow : RUDN Publ., 2015. Vol. 1 / K. M. Belikova, V. Yu. Ifraimov, M. A. Akhmadova, Ts. A. Budzhaeva (Begdzhieva) [et al.] ; Ed. by Dr. Sc., Prof. K. M. Belikova. – 595 p. Vol. 2 / K. M. Belikova, N. V. Badaeva, V. Yu. Ifraimov, M. A. Akhmadova, N. A. Illarionova [et al.] ; Ed. by Dr. Sc., Prof. K. M. Belikova. – 582 p.

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