
Guryev A.V. Participation of Public and Private Regulators in the Events on Preventing Tour Operators Bankruptcy

Anatoliy Vladimirovich Guryev
Postgraduate Student, Department of Civil and Legal Disciplines,
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Volgograd Branch)
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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the characteristics and opportunities of participation of public and private organizations in efforts to prevent the bankruptcy of the tour operator, as well as the activities of the Federal Agency for Tourism. The most effective way of monitoring the financial condition of the tour operators is to create self-regulating organizations of regional tour operators. After that you need to create the vertical chain of control over financial and economic activities of tour operators at the regulatory level. The presented algorithm of actions secured legally will enable public authorities and organizations to not only effectively control and supervise the economic activity of the tour operator, but also to react quickly and take appropriate decisions in case of signs of tour operators bankruptcy and loss of solvability.

Key words: tour operator, prevention of tour operator bankruptcy, public organization, private organization, Russian Union of Travel Industry, Rosturizm, Association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism “Turpomoshch”, self-regulatory organization of tour operators.

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