
Petyukova O.N., Sereda A.V. Comparative Legal Analysis of Social Benefits for Children in the Russian Federation and in the Federal Republic of Germany

Petyukova Oksana Nikolaevna

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Deputy Head of Department of Civil and Arbitration Process on Scientific Work,
Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation
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4th Veshnyakovskiy proezd, 4, 109456 Moscow, Russian Federation

Sereda Aleksey Valeryevich

Student, Faculty of Law,
Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation
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4th Veshnyakovskiy proezd, 4, 109456 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The issues concerning the measures of state support for families with children become especially important in the context of demographic policy development. The article presents a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of social protection of families with children. The authors analyze the various types of benefits to families with children and outline general guidelines in the development of social policy of Russia aimed at the protection of families.
The financial guarantees of social support for families with children in Russia and Germany have certain things in common: firstly, they involve the system of different payments aimed at ensuring decent living standards of families with children during the first years of child’s life, as well as in the future. At the same time the German system of social assistance to families with children is more complex. The need for legal expertise in Germany in resolving the demographic problem, as well as increasing the amount of funds allocated annually by the state social support for families should be noted as one of the possible ways to improve the system of social support for families with children in the Russian Federation.

Key words: family, social protection, benefits, Russian and German legislation, maternal (family) capital.

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