
Melnichenko R.G. Entities Providing Legal Assistance During the Period of Juror Advocacy

Melnichenko Roman Grigoryevich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of Law and State,
Volgograd Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
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Gagarina St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article discusses the system of providing qualified legal assistance, established as a result of the judicial reform of 1864 in the Russian Empire. The author distinguishes the representatives of this type of activity: corporate attorneys, attorneys in the courts, candidates for judicial office, private attorneys and voluntary intercessors. The Institute of Corporate Advocacy included attorneys and attorneys at the court. Institute of Professional Liability barristers is a breakthrough in the field of legal relations. This innovation manifested itself in the formulation of professional crime creating a professional process and the establishment of measures of professional responsibility of lawyers. Trainee advocacy was represented by two groups: the candidates for judicial office and assistant barristers. Their common feature is their primary function – getting professional skills. There was also a freestyle or “underground Bar”, which include voluntary intercessors.
The article presents an analysis of the concept of professional liability bar. The author concludes that corporate and jury during the development of the institute of professional responsibility of lawyers has revealed the fact that the introduction of the dominant advocacy (advocacy in a narrow sense), a progressive institution of professional liability itself had little effect on the development of the juror advocacy, which included assistant barristers, solicitors and private voluntary intercessors.

Key words: judicial reform, attorney, attorneys, attorneys at courts, candidates for judicial posts, assistant attorneys, private attorneys, free intercessors.

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