
Grachev N.I., Kolomeytseva A.G.Administrative Court in the Context of Judiciary Reform

Grachev Nikolay Ivanovich

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Department of Civil and Arbitration Proceeding,
Volgograd State University
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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Kolomeytseva Anastasiya Grigoryevna

Assistant Professor, Department of State and Legal Disciplines,
Volgograd Institute for the Humanities
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Gribanova St., 12, 400011 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article attempts to give a general assessment of the necessity and possibility to set up administrative courts in the Russian Federation. The issue of creation of administrative courts has a long history. Most scholars agree that it is necessary to have a system of judicial control over administration in the form of administrative courts system. The structure of administrative courts is the most controversial problem. Nevertheless, the latest amendments to the Russian Constitution suggest that the judiciary reform will further take the trend of creating specialized administrative courts as part of the regular court system.
The authors note that the number of cases related to the control of the legality of acts of a public law nature of public authorities and local governments, as well as the legality of their actions and decisions, more and more increasing. Thus, we can conclude that the conditions for the establishment of specialized administrative courts in the system of courts of general jurisdiction have long been established. Such a path of reforming the judicial system of the Russian Federation is supported by both government officials and the community of legal scholars. The next step in the reform of administrative proceedings should be made by the members of the legislature.

Key words: judiciary reform, administrative legal proceeding, administrative justice, administrative court, specialized court, court of general jurisdiction, structure of administrative

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