
Sharonov S.A. Functions of the Contract on Protection

Sharonov Sergey Aleksandrovich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law,
Volzhsky Institute of Humanities (Branch) of Volgograd State University
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Abstract. In the present article the author comments on the provision according to which the main directions of security activity impact on the public relations are carried out by means of functions of the contract of protection acting as the legal fact of emergence of this type of business. On the basis of the legal content of security activity, the legal nature of the contract, the functions of the contract of protection are defined: 1) the regulatory function; 2) the binding function; 3) the actual juridical function; 4) the protective function; 5) the integrating function; 6) the initiating function; 7) the function of disputes settlement; 8) the social and labor function.

The legal characteristicы of each function of the contract of protection is given and their value in implementation of the enterprise content of security activities for protection of the civil rights of individuals and legal entities is defined.

The functions investigated in the present article contribute to the resolution of conceptual problems of civil legal regulation of activity, thereby helping to increase the role of this type of business activity in the sphere of the country’s development and in the implementation of the
civil rights of individuals and legal entities.

Key words: security activity, functions, contract of protection, performer, customer, objects of protection.

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