
Davtyan V.R. Some Aspects of the Implementation of Constitutional Provisions on the Example of the USSR Constitution of 1977

Davtyan Vagram Rafikovich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law,

Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The task of creating a legal state and civil society in Russia dictates the urgent need for studying the domestic and foreign historical experience of constitutional construction. The present article is devoted to the study and analysis of some aspects of the implementation of the Soviet constitutional norms on the example of the USSR Constitution of 1977.
The author believes that the Soviet constitutional development, especially in the postwar period, served to the idea of the resurrection of the rule of law. The law began to obtain more value for the primary regulator of social relations. This situation has become a priority in the Constitution of the USSR in 1977, which embodied the doctrine of people’s state.
The number of more specific content standards has increased. The new Constitution strengthened the safeguards system of law and order. The peculiar fact is that the following individual rights of Soviet citizens were formalized: the right to make proposals to state agencies and public organizations for improving their activity, the right to file petitions and complaints against the officials of the state and public bodies, the right to criticize, the right to reparation caused by unlawful actions of state and public organizations, as well as officials during the performance of their duties, the right to judicial protection against honor and dignity offence, and some others).

Key words: Constitution, Soviet, legislation, implementation, regulation, law.

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