
Kabanova I.E. Coordination of Economic Activity and Antitrust Activity of Public Entities and Their Officials

Kabanova Irina Evgenyevna

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Researcher,
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
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Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., 9, 129085 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the antitrust activity of the public entities and their officials. The author examines the manifestations of anti-competitive activities of public entities and their opportunity to be recognized as subjects of the economic activity coordination. The state regulation of the economy is a response to public demand, resulting from the imperfections of markets. The state intervenes in the functioning of the market and limits the freedom of those or other means. The powers of the administrative and legal provenance, vested in public entities allow them to set the rules for the conduct of economic entities in the implementation of the last of its activity in the commodity market. Public entities act as the subjects of the economic activity coordination as far as the subjective criterion is used only for the purposes of antimonopoly legislation and does not function as a differentiating criterion for the coordination of economic activity in general. Public entities have both positive and negative impact on the actions of economic entities and on competition and the economy as a whole. At the broadest sense of coordination of economic activity as the process of targeting the activities of coordinated economic entities, it is not an offense in the sense of the law on protection of competition.

Key words: coordination of economic activity, antimonopoly legislation, public entities, officials, public authorities.

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