
Dyrdov V.I. Legal foundation of interaction and cooperation development of the Russian Federation and the OPEC

Dyrdov Vadim Igorevich

Postgraduate Student, Department of Civil and International Private Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article deals with current forms and prospective variants of interaction of Russia in the sphere of oil and gas deliveries in the context of realization of national energy interests. The author analyzes the current situation and perspective tendencies of legal frameworks within the cooperation, as well as the status of its parties involved and their competitiveness. The cooperation of Russia and OPEC in power supply sphere is considered by the author in the aspect of realization of the bilateral long-term initiatives and consistent integration into the world energy community.

Key words: fuel-and-energy resources, oil and gas delivery, energy supply, energy policy, industrial enterprises, competitive advantages, international organizations, world energy community.

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