
Surkova O.G. The concept of other crime in the notes to sections 222, 223 of the Russian Criminal Code

Surkova Olga Genadievna

Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The author of this article studies the problems of interpretation of such a condition of the relief from criminal responsibility for the crimes under Sections 222, 223 of the Russian Criminal Code as the absence the other crime in the actions of the perpetrator. As a result of this research the author comes to the conclusion of the necessity to change the current criminal legislation for its improvement. In particular the new version of the notes to the Sections 222, 223 of the Russian Criminal Code is suggested.

Key words: criminal responsibility, relief from criminal responsibility, special cases of relief from criminal responsibility, stimulatory rules of law, illicit trafficking in weapons.

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