
Rozhnov A.P. Topical issues of the application of section 294 of the Russian Criminal Code

Rozhnov Alexey Petrovich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The criminal forms of the obstruction of justice and preliminary investigation are analyzed in this article. The correlation of the crimes under section 294, parts 1 and 2 and the other crimes against justice from Chapter 31 of the Russian Criminal Code (sections 295, 296 and so on) is found out by the author. The author develops some recommendations on the separation of the considered crimes and the others crimes contained in the Chapter 31 of the Russian Criminal Code.

Key words:  justice, obstruction of justice, interference in justice, destruction of evidence, the official document, infringement on life, threat or violent acts in connection with justice, general
and special rules

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