
Ponomarev V.G. The issue of establishing criminal liability for unfair use of the right to judicial recourt

Ponomarev Vyacheslav Gennadievich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract.The analysis of the most typical forms of the procedural abuses allowed at a reference to the court is carried out in the article. The author comes to a conclusion that some of them on a way of impact on the public relations gain level of the danger peculiar to crimes. In this regard in article the attention to the question of sufficiency of criminal and legal means for fight against such manifestations of unfair using by civil procedural laws is focused on.

Key words: abuse of right, subjective right, right to judicial protection, fight against legal abuses, appeal in court, unfair use of right, criminal forms of abuse of right, justice.

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