
Gudin S.S. Non-profit organizations, as participants of the civil turnover of objects of the civil rights, meant to satisfy one’s intimate requirements

Gudin Stanislav Sergeevich

Postgraduate student, Department of Civil and International Private Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. In the following article the author explores the non-profit organizations, as the participants of the civil turnover of objects of the civil rights, meant to satisfy one’s intimate requirements. Although it is difficult just to imagine the situation, when the participant of this sphere of the civil turnover have not the aim to get some profit, the exploration led the author to conclusion, that these organizations have an opportunity to play their own role in such kind of turnover, so they can realize it by the only way. The medical institutions which are non-profits, can and have to purchase medicine for their needs, including the medicine, which can be used to recreate one’s intimate health. But there is no essential difference between the directions and quality of the medical help, which the person has a right to get, if asking for it in the non-profit or commercial medical institution. Therefore, the activity of the nonprofit organizations, (medical), as the participants of the civil turnover of objects of the civil rights, meant to satisfy one’s intimate requirements, being compared with the activity of commercial medical organizations, is just the same.

Key words: one’s intimate requirements, non-profit organizations, participants of the civil turnover, medical institutions, directions and quality of the medical help.

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