
Mograbyan A.S. Tendencies and prospects of the civil legislation development in the field of extrajudicial protection of the right of an individual’s outward appearance

Mograbyan Armine Samvelovna

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Private International Law, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The article deals with extrajudicial forms of protection of the right to inviolability of the general appearance of an individual. In particular, the author reveals peculiarities of implementation of selfdefense, and also the advantage of use of reconciliatory procedures to the settlement of disputes, arising at the violation of the right to one’s outward appearance. Concrete recommendations on the improvement of standards of the current legislation regarding ensuring the rights of the detained person on inviolability of an individual’s general appearance, and also legislative settlement of mediation procedure concerning the protection of the personal non-property rights are put forward.

Key words: general appearance of an individual, civil and legal protection of the right to security of the general appearance, extrajudicial forms of protection, self-defense, mediation.

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