
Soloviyova N.A., Shynkaruk V.M. Terminological problem of defining the restorative justice

Soloviyova Natalia Alekseevna
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Volgograd State University
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Prospect Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Shynkaruk Vladimir Markovich Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics,
Volgograd State University

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Prospect Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The problem of the terminological definition of regenerative justice because of the inaccuracy of its defining is considered in the present article. At the same time regenerative practices are typical not only for trial stages of the criminal procedure but for pretrial ones including bringing an action. That is why the necessity of the definition of
“regenerative justice” and its adaptation to the national legislation originates.

Key words: regenerative justice, regenerative practices, conciliation procedures, regenerative procedure, mediation, restitution, criminal conflict, reconciliation of the parties.

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