
Volkov A.V. Correlations between the principle of good faith and principle of inadmissibility of the abuse of rights in contemporary civil law

Volkov Aleksandr Viktorovich
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Proceeding
Volzhsky Humanities Institute (Branch) Volgograd State University
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40 let Pobedy Street, 11, 404133 Volzhsky, Russian Federation

Abstract. The principle of the inadmissibility of the abuse of rights, in contrast to the
principle of good faith, is expressed in special with respect to Section 1 of the Civil Code of the
RF to the rule of law and will form the construction of guilty law mode with concrete sanctions
for the unconscientious use of the given to subject lawful means. Connecting the abuse of
rights with the output of law made face beyond the limits of the subjective civil liberty belonging
to it, it is necessary to have in the form that the discussion deals with the very “narrow” formal
understanding of right.

Key words: principle of good faith, limits of law realization, inadmissibility of the abuse
of rights, a participant in the civil relation, legitimate behavior.

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