
Epifanov A.E., Simon A.L. Theoretical bases of the mechanism of opposition to corruption in the domestic law

Epifanov Alexander Egorovich
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor,
Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law,
Volgograd State University
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Prospect Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Simon Artur Leonidovich
Postgraduate student,
Department of Theory and History of State and Law,
Juridical Institute (Saint-Petersburg)
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Gavanskaya St, 3, 199106 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article presents a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the legal issuesrelating to the formation of the concept of “anti-corruption mechanism”. It represents an attempt to position the institutional approach to the detailed description of the structural elements of the mechanism of anti-corruption in the Russian Federation.

Key words: corruption, anti-corruption, mechanism of anti-corruption, anti-corruption law policy, legal means against corruption.

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