
Efremenko O.V. On the legal capacity of self-regulatory organization

Efremenko Oksana Valerievna
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Civil and International Private Law,
Volgograd State University,
Fundamental Department of the Southern Scientific Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Prospect Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The category of legal capacity is one of the most developed in the theory of civil law. However, the question of the definition of “special capacity” remains open, depending upon the extension of the list of legal entities at the expense of self-regulatory organizations. The author analyzes the legal capacity of a legal entity having the status of the self-regulatory organization, the moments of the beginning and the end of its capacity; it is proposed to amend the civil legislation of the capacity of self-regulatory organizations.

Key words: legal capacity of a legal entity, a non-profit organization, self-regulatory organization, specified legal capacity of juridical person, restricted (purposeful) legal competence.

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