
Grachev N.I., Tikhonov A.A. Basics of constitutional order as general principles of law

Grachev Nikolay Ivanovich

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Department of the Theory and History of State and Law, Volgograd State University

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Tikhonov Alexander Alexandrovich

Degree Seeking Candidate, Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law, Volgograd Institute of Economics, Sociology and Law

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Abstract. This article discusses the basis of the constitutional system as a general legal principle, containing the basic social and moral values of society. The authors substantiate the necessity of adaptation borrowed from foreign constitutional legal principles to the Russian socio-cultural environment. They determine the basis of the hierarchical subordination of the general principles of law in order to prevent political and legal conflicts and collisions.

Key words: principles of law, constitutional principles, social and moral values, constitution, state, sovereignty, state power

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