
Milikova A.V. The Procedural and Tactical Principles of Making Decisions on Investigative Procedure by the Investigator

Milikova Anna Vladimirovna

Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics,
Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article defines the notion of “principles of tactical decision-making”, considers the system of procedural and tactical principles of making decisions on the investigative procedure by the investigator. This research considers the principles which influence the studied process. “Principles of tactical decision-making” are the leading ideas in the execution of rights/authorities provided to the official as well as the duties assigned to him/her in the crime investigation process. It is obvious that, making a tactical decision, the investigator, first of all, is guided by the all-legal principles proclaimed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation as well as fixed in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The article considers the system of the procedural and tactical principles of decisionmaking on investigative procedure by the investigator. It is necessary to take into account the following principles of making tactical decisions during the investigative procedure: principles
of expediency, validity, dynamism, efficiency, predictability, optimality, professionalism and the principle of responsibility. Therefore, it is possible to draw conclusion that the principles are actually identified with such concepts as “rule”, “condition” or “criteria” according to which tactical decisions have to be made. The principles influence both the whole process of decisionmaking and its separate stages.

Key words: principle, investigatory action, decision, investigator.

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