
Razgeldeev N.T. On the Legal Nature of Environmental and Natural Resources Law

Razgeldeev Nazir Tagirovich

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal and Penal Law and Forensics, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevskiy

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Astrakhanskaya St., 83, 410012 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article includes the response to the controversial questions about the nature of environmental and natural resources law. The author consistently explains the dialectics of differentiation and integration of the elements of environmental (ecological) and natural resources legal relations, which are characterized by economic and legal nature. According to the author’s conception, the main purpose of natural resources relations is extracting the income from using the natural object as a source of natural resources. The goals and objectives of environmental (ecological) law are the following: preservation, improvement, restoration of a natural object by setting standard fee rates for these purposes. These contradicting public interests require the regulatedness and order. These industries are separate branches in the system of Russian law, and they submit to the philosophic law of unity and struggle of opposites.

Key words: structure of law, factors of development, natural resource, environmental objects, environmental law, nature and resources law, public revenue, fee.

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