
Kopylov M.N., Kopylov S.M., Mishlanova V.A. What the International Environmental Law is Lacking in the Year of its 175th Anniversary

Kopylov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Department of International Law, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Ecological Academy, International Academy of Ecological Sciences and Life Safety

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Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russian Federation

Kopylov Stanislav Mikhaylovich

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of International Law, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

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Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russian Federation

Mishlanova Valeriya Andreevna

Bachelor Student, Faculty of Law, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

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Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article deals with the analysis of the branch signs of the international environmental law. It is concluded that for the 175 years of its existence, international environmental law has not managed to adopt a wide universal codifying international legal act, systematizing principles of this special set of international legal norms. It is proved that today the most complete on the list of special principles of international environmental law is the 2010 Draft Covenant on Environment and Development, which describes the content of nine such principles. It is proved that today one more special principle of international environmental law is coming to life – the principle of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. On this fact is an indication in the art.2 and art. 25 of the Draft Covenant. It is proposed that Russian diplomacy has focused its efforts on further improving the Draft Covenant, on clarifying the concept and terminological apparatus of this document, which is subsequently to be adopted either as a UN General Assembly resolution, or at a specially convened international conference ad hoc.

Key words: International environmental law, codification, principles, World environmental constitution, Covenant draft, UNEP, IUCN, precautionary approach.

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